La preuve médicale que le vaccin Covid est du « meurtre »

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La preuve médicale que le vaccin Covid est du « meurtre »

Je suis fatigué d’avoir toujours raison !

A mon sens, il n’y a pas de miracle. la race humaine est le cancer de la planète et doit disparaitre

M-am săturat să am mereu dreptate !

După părerea mea, nu există miracol. rasa umană este cancerul planetei și trebuie să dispară

I’m tired of always being right !

In my opinion, there is no miracle. the human race is the cancer of the planet and must go away

Please watch and share this vital video. Thanks to the jab lovers for the thumbs down.
The journal quoted is « Circulation » Nov 8 2021 vol 144 issue suppl_1
The title of the article is « Abstract 10712 Mrna Covid Vaccine Dramatically Increases Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning’

Source >>>>>

Stéphane Guibert


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