Idée cadeau pour Noël: La poupée Pfizer / Idee de cadou de Crăciun: păpușa Pfizer / Christmas gift idea: the Pfizer doll

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Idée cadeau pour Noël: La poupée Pfizer


A tous les enfants sages que les parents auront fait vacciner avant les fêtes de fin d’année, le père Noël qui est actionnaire chez Pfizer livrera la très belle Barbie imaginée par le laboratoire Pfizer.

Idee de cadou de Crăciun: păpușa Pfizer


Tuturor copiilor bine purtați ai căror părinți i-au vaccinat înainte de vacanța de sfârșit de an, Moș Crăciun, care este acționar la Pfizer, le va livra Barbie foarte frumoasă imaginată de laboratorul Pfizer.

Christmas gift idea: the Pfizer doll


To all the well-behaved children whose parents have had them vaccinated before the end-of-year holidays, Santa Claus, who is a shareholder at Pfizer, will deliver the very beautiful Barbie imagined by the Pfizer laboratory.

Stéphane Guibert / Rares Mihai Florescu


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