Giorgio Moroder: From here to eternity and back / Giorgio Moroder: From here to eternity and back / Giorgio Moroder: From here to eternity and back

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***** Giorgio Moroder *****

« From here to eternity and back »

Lorsque la musique parle

C’est à lui que nous devons la musique de Flashdance, Midnight express, L’histoire sans fin (The neverending story), Scarface pour ne citer que ces titres prestigieux. Nous luis devons également les plus belles chansons de la regrettée Donna Summer pour ne citer qu’elle. Giorgio Moroder est le Beethoven de notre temps. (Un petit clin d’oeil à mon ami Lucas.)

Sans ce compositeur de génie, la musique d’aujourd’hui ne serait pas ce qu’elle est.

Mon cher Giogio, toi et le regretté Vangelis ont fait de moi ce que je suis aujourd’hui, un compositeur. Au travers de votre musique vous m’avez évadé, fait voyager. Laissez-maladroitement vous remercier.

Merci Giorgio.

  • Merci à EMI Records
  • Merci à OASIS Records
  • Merci à Casablanca Filmworks
  • Merci à Canal + France


***** Giorgio Moroder *****

« From here to eternity and back »

Când muzica vorbește

Lui îi datorăm muzica din Flashdance, Midnight express, The neverending story, Scarface pentru a numi doar aceste titluri prestigioase. De asemenea, îi datorăm cele mai frumoase cântece ale regretatei Donna Summer, pentru a numi doar una. Giorgio Moroder este Beethoven-ul timpului nostru. (Un mic cu ochiul prietenului meu Lucas.)

Fără acest geniu compozitor, muzica de astăzi nu ar fi ceea ce este.

Dragul meu Giogio, tu și regretatul Vangelis m-ai făcut ceea ce sunt astăzi, un compozitor. Prin muzica ta ai scapat de mine, m-ai facut sa calatoresc. Mulțumesc stângaci.

Multumesc Giorgio.

  • Mulțumită EMI Records
  • Mulțumită OASIS Records
  • Mulțumită Casablanca Filmworks
  • Mulțumită Canal + France


***** Giorgio Moroder *****

« From here to eternity and back »

When the music speaks

It is to him that we owe the music of Flashdance, Midnight express, The endless story (The neverending story), Scarface to name only these prestigious titles. We also owe to him the most beautiful songs of the late Donna Summer, to name but one. Giorgio Moroder is the Beethoven of our time. (A little wink to my friend Lucas.)

Without this genius composer, today’s music would not be what it is.

My dear Giogio, you and the late Vangelis made me what I am today, a composer. Through your music you escaped me, made me travel. Let awkwardly thank you.

Thanks Giorgio.

  • Many thanks to EMI Records
  • Many thanks to OASIS Records
  • Many thanks to Casablanca Filmworks
  • Many thanks to Canal + France


Stéphane Guibert (FB) / Stéphane Guibert (VK)


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