Milk from the coconut

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Milk from the coconut

Toto Coelo (rebaptisé Total Coelo aux États-Unis) était un groupe de nouvelle vague britannique des années 1980, fondé par le producteur Barry Blue. Les membres originaux étaient les chanteurs Anita Mahadevan, Lacey Bond, Lindsey Danvers, Ros Holness (fille du présentateur de télévision Bob Holness) et Sheen Doran.

Ici, le titre « Milk from the coco nut »

Merci à Virgin Records.

Milk from the coconut

Toto Coelo (redenumit Total Coelo în SUA) a fost un grup new wave britanic din anii 1980, fondat de producătorul Barry Blue. Membrii inițiali au fost cântăreții Anita Mahadevan, Lacey Bond, Lindsey Danvers, Ros Holness (fiica prezentatorului de televiziune Bob Holness) și Sheen Doran.

Aici, titlul „Milk from the coco nut”

Mulțumim Virgin Records.

Milk from the coconut

Toto Coelo (renamed Total Coelo in the US) was a 1980s British new wave group, founded by producer Barry Blue. The original members were singers Anita Mahadevan, Lacey Bond, Lindsey Danvers, Ros Holness (daughter of television presenter Bob Holness) and Sheen Doran.

Many thanks to Virgin Records.

Stéphane Guibert / Rares Mihai Florescu


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