Que dirait l’enfant que vous étiez en voyant l’adulte que vous êtes aujourd’hui ? / Ce ar spune copilul care erai când ai văzut adultul care ești astăzi ? / What would the child you were say when you saw the adult you are today ?

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Que dirait l’enfant que vous étiez en voyant l’adulte que vous êtes aujourd’hui ?


Ce ar spune copilul care erai când ai văzut adultul care ești astăzi ?


What would the child you were say when you saw the adult you are today ?

Pensons aux jeunes d’aujourd’hui et qui n’ont rien demandé. Pensons au monde que nous leur léguons …

Gândește-te la tinerețea de astăzi, acești tineri care nu au cerut nimic. Gândiți-vă la viitorul pe care îl avem pentru acești copii. Uită-te la tine în oglindă.

Let us think of the young people of today who did not ask for anything. Think about the world we bequeath to them …




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