Amis vaccinés, le réveil sera douloureux! / Prieteni vaccinați, trezirea va fi dureroasă! / Vaccinated friends, the awakening will be painful!

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  • Vidéo en Anglais, sous-titrée en Français.
  • Videoclip în engleză, subtitrat în franceză.
  • Video in English, subtitled in French.

Amis vaccinés, le réveil sera douloureux!

Les non-vaccinés étaient égoïstes, les non-vaccinés ne méritaient pas l’accès aux soins hospitaliers, tout le monde devait se faire vacciner par esprit de solidarité…

La mort est au rendez-vous!

Une fois de plus, les complotistes avaient raison!

Les non-vaccinés, leur sang vaut aujourd’hui son pesant d’or!

Prieteni vaccinați, trezirea va fi dureroasă!

Cei nevaccinati erau egoisti, cei nevaccinati nu meritau accesul la ingrijiri spitalicesti, toata lumea trebuia vaccinata din spirit de solidaritate…

Moartea este pe drum!

Inca o data, conspiratorii au avut dreptate!

Cei nevaccinati, sângele lor este astăzi echivalent cu greutatea lui în aur!

Vaccinated friends, the awakening will be painful!

The unvaccinated were selfish, the unvaccinated did not deserve access to hospital care, everyone had to be vaccinated out of a spirit of solidarity…

Death is on the way!

Once again, the conspirators were right!

The non-vaccinated, their blood today is worth its weight in gold!


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