Et si la mort était mon amie? / Dacă moartea ar fi prietenul meu? / What if death was my friend? (Reminder)

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Et si la mort était mon amie?

La mort est une amie, une alliée lorsqu’elle te surprend.

A toutes celles et ceux qui partent, bon voyage.

  • Illustration sonore: « Child’s Play » Waxwork Records.

Dacă moartea ar fi prietenul meu?

Moartea este un prieten, un aliat atunci când te surprinde.

Tuturor celor care pleacă, călătorie bună.

  • Ilustrație sonoră: „Child’s Play” Waxwork Records.

What if death was my friend?

Death is a friend, an ally when it surprises you.

To all those who are leaving, have a good trip.

  • Sound illustration: « Child’s Play » Waxwork Records.

 Stéphane Guibert (VK)


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