Humour noir: Mourir en dormant / Umor negru: A muri dormind / Dark humor: To die sleeping

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Humour noir: Mourir en dormant

  • Quand je serai vieux… J’aimerais mourir comme mon grand-père: dans son sommeil. Pas en criant et en hurlant comme tous les passagers du bus qu’il conduisait.
  • Merci au label RCA pour son aimable autorisation.

Umor negru: A muri dormind.

  • Când voi fi bătrân… aș vrea să mor ca bunicul meu: adormit. Și nu țipând și țipând ca toți pasagerii din autobuzul pe care îl conducea.
  • Multe mulțumiri RCA Records.

Dark humor: To die sleeping

  • When I’ll be old… I would like to die like my grandfather: in his sleep. And not shouting and screaming like all the passengers on the bus he drove.
  • Many thanks to RCA for the permission.

Bucks Fizz « When We Were Young » (Official Video clip)

Bucks Fizz « When We Were Young » (Club Mix)

Stéphane Guibert / Rares Mihai Florescu


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